At What Temperature Should I Make My Kids Wear Thermals?
As winter approaches, the temperature is going to drop. This means that snow is coming, along with the wind and ice to make your days long and uncomfortable. With lower temperatures comes shivering kids, chapped lips, and the urge to bundle your children up in a cocoon.
Before the temperature drops too low, it's probably time to break out the kids’ thermal underwear set. If you find yourself ready to bundle up your child, it's time for boys’ thermals. For your kids, winter is a time of adventure, but if they're wearing clothes and jackets that are too bulky, then their fun is going to be limited. You are still able to keep them safe and warm with a few lighter layers than one large layer that prevents them from enjoying the season.
What to Wear and When
Before you let your children explore the newly formed winter wonderland, check the windchill and upcoming weather. It'll help you plan on how long you will allow them to play outside and how to dress them for the season. Use the layering method as this will keep them warm and allow them to keep their freedom of movement. To play it safe, if the windchill is below 10-degree Fahrenheit, it's best not to let them outside.
Layering for Kids
1. The first layer should be a kids’ thermal underwear set, wool socks, and glove liners.
2. Layer two can be a sweater, vest, ski pants, or sweatpants for added insulation.
3. The third layer will be a water and wind resistant jacket, mittens, a hat, snow boots. Scarves are great, but a neck gaiter is better.
Don't forget to protect their skin. Cold air is usually dry and saps your kid's skin of some much-needed moisture. Some form of moisturizing cream or lotion will help reduce this problem. Put it on thick, and if you can, some petroleum jelly will work fantastic as well. The latter is best for the lips and nose area as no one wants petroleum jelly smothered on their face, especially kids.
Outdoor Health Concerns
When the cold weather hits, dressing your kids in boys’ thermals early on in the season will help them reduce the chances of frostbite and hypothermia.
• Frostbite: This happens when the skin and outer tissues of the boy are frozen. This usually affects fingers and nose, along with your ears and nose before the rest of the body. You can avoid this by making reasonable playtimes in the outdoors.
• Hypothermia: When your child's temperature drops too low due to the cold, they can suffer from hypothermia. This involves shivering, numb hands, and goosebumps in its mild form. Moderate and extreme hypothermia are considerably worse. It's best to bring your kids inside to warm up and make sure they are dressed correctly for the weather.
Dressing your kids in thermals should start relatively early in the cold season. While there is no specific temperature that is a definitive rule to follow, if you find yourself breaking out all the cold-weather gear, thermals have become a must-have.
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