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Packing Your Winter Survival Bag

Packing Your Winter Survival Bag

Winter is coming, and I, for some, it may already be here. Another season of cold temperatures, limited daylight, and snow will be arriving soon. While you may want to fly south for the winter, the reality is that you may have to stay where you’re at and make the best of it. Preparing for a winter excursion or the season itself is the best way to make sure you’re ready for anything mother nature throws at you. For better or worse this winter, having a premade winter survival bag or making your own, it’s essential to make sure you have everything you need in case the weather takes a turn for the worst.

What to Pack

1. Water. This is one of the essential things in your bag. Whether you’re snowed in your car or at home, having enough water on hand is crucial.

2. Blankets. Not only are these comfort items good for lounging on the couch, but they are also essential to helping you stay warm if you get stranded or stuck at home with the power out. Look for a space blanket or Mylar blankets as they hold in body heat and are lightweight.

3. Flares and Flashlight. These are perfect for power outages at home, and if you run off the road and need to signal for help. Keep extra batteries near your flashlights just in case.

4. Shovel. When there is lots of snow, then a shovel is going to be your new best friend. Whether you’re trying to get out your front door after a blizzard or dig your car out of drift to get back on the road, a shovel is a must-have.

5. Long johns for men. Thermals are perfect for locking in body heat and wicking away moisture. They fit tight and will help you ward off the cold easier if you get stranded, or the heat goes out in the home. A thermal baselayer is essential. If needed, add a couple of pairs to the bag. 

6. Food. Look for a dense calorie food. This can be power bars, nuts, and even dried fruit. It’ll give you something to eat while waiting for help or if you get the munchies, and the electric stove doesn’t work due to a power outage.

7. Supplies. This can be tools and other supplies like a tarp, duct tape, or a good knife.

8. First aid kit. This will give you the peace of mind you need if you have a fully stocked first aid kit—also, any additional medicines you or your family may need that is necessary.

9. Radio and toiletries. This will help you stay up to date on weather conditions, and the toiletries will help you with readiness in case nature calls while you’re stranded.

With any winter survival bag, long johns for men are a perfect addition to the mix. They add extra protection, and thermal baselayer men will keep you warm and comfortable longer.

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